How to thank your doctor

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People on the whole are very quick to be critical but much slower to show appreciation. When a doctor or a nurse goes out of their way to help you or in some way manage to make a big difference to your health and well-being why not say so? It would be very much appreciated if you take the time to write a letter of thanks.

What else can you do to thank your medical team?

The best thing a patient can do nowadays is to complete the “Friends and Family” test with a positive review. This is available at all surgeries. The next thing is to post a positive review on your Practice or Hospital Website.

On the whole presents are difficult and not very welcome. On receiving a gift a doctor may feel embarrassed or feel they have been put in a difficult and unprofessional position. On the other hand, a bunch of flowers or a plant for the office will never go far wrong.
Nurses and reception staff do appreciate a box of chocolates but in fact something different like a variety of cheeses and biscuits or a box of fruit makes a nice, and healthier, change.

Another way to compliment a doctor and their staff is to recommend them to friends and neighbours.
And if you are referred to a specialist you can mention your appreciation of the GP or of course vice versa. It all helps to make people feel appreciated and happy to do their best for everyone.

How to thank your doctor

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